Marriage and My High Standard Issues💍🤔👑

Living My Dreams🦋
3 min read4 days ago

A Supportive Partner Or No Partner â›”


People often say that girls are gold diggers, marrying for money and for high standards. But let me clear one thing, I don’t know about others, but for me, I am a financially independent girl, I can earn my own money, and loyalty is everything. If a man can not provide loyalty to his woman, then he does not have any right to say that he is a well raised man. I don’t know why people think that my standards are too high. Let me clear.

According to the Society

I am only a daughter and my father’s favourite. I have grown up surrounded by so much care, love, and support. My father set an example of how a man should treat his family with loyalty, respect, and kindness.

I know very well that no one can love me like my Baba, but I believe that a supportive partner can. Marriage is not about taking, but it is also about giving. And if someone treats me like my father, that would truly be a gift from God.

What I Look for?



Living My Dreams🦋
Living My Dreams🦋

Written by Living My Dreams🦋

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